
Soooo Linds-o...

You'll forgive my tardiness to this little tidbit of entertainment news. Between Thanksgiving travel, illness and gay animals I've had a pretty full dance card as of late. Anyway, on with the show.

Lindsay Lohan is officially the dregs of humanity. She landed a spot on TIME.com's quote of the day for her LTA (in this case Less Than Adequite) closing in a letter of condolence to Robert Altman's family. According to Reuters (via the Washington Post), Lohan titled her November 21 e-mail "Dead is hard, Life is much easier," a quote she attributes to actor Jack Nicholson. The rambling indictment of America's public education system can be seen here, if you haven't read it yet.

And so I close with a statement to you Mr. President...Sir, it would appear as though at least one child did indeed get left behind.


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