
Inexplicable Happenstance or Aquanautical Tard Party?

It always strikes me as odd how some news stories, even though they are covered by major news organizations, seemingly slip through the cracks. I was recently reading an update about a pair of coast guard divers that died in the arctic this past year. So from what it seems, the AP informs us of a fuzzy partial picture involving what can only be termed as gross negligence. But abcnews.com introduces a bizarre new aspect into the mix.

Autopsy reports reveal the two were 20 feet below the ice when they suddenly descended to nearly 200 feet in a matter of minutes. It would normally take 30 minutes to reach that depth.
The article brings in the big zing with:
After the tragic dive, the families were told by investigators that something pulled the two divers down — but what it was exactly could not be explained.
What? How come only abc.com has that in their report? Did they scoop the world or is it a load of crap? Or more importantly, do colossal squids live in the north as well?


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