
McRocket Scientist

Another bit of oddness from the folks at abcnews.com. Apparently a McDonald's employee was stripped naked and abused by her manager's fiancé while working an extra shift at the restaurant. The crazy part was that it was done at the behest of a man posing as a police officer over the telephone. Holy Stanley Milgram batman! The manager, a Miss Donna Summers (not the disco queen), made the claim "I honestly thought he was a police officer and what I was doing was the right thing," right before she purchased the famed Brooklyn Bridge. However, had she consulted the inordinately clairvoyant McEmployee Handbook she would have found this:

Strip Search
Under no circumstances should any member of McDonald's management or staff conduct a strip search of any employee or customer's person. No legitimate law enforcement agency would ever ask you to conduct such searches. If someone claiming to be a law enforcement official requests that a manager or employee conduct a strip search, try to obtain the name and phone number of the caller and immediately call your local police department to report the incident. Contact your owner/operator or security manager about the incident as soon as possible.

-McDonald's Operations and Training Manual: November 2001
Anyway, apparently the wacky bastard that was accused of perpetrating this hoax was accused of about a dozen similar incidents. The jury found him innocent on the grounds that they were all perverts themselves, while the scumbag fiancé was convicted of sodomy (the girl apparently fellated him in accordance with the pseudo-cop's wishes). The entire event was caught on a McSecurity camera.


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