
Everyone's Gone to the Moon

Holy effin' crap...we're building a moon base! That's right, in a very Georges Méliès-esque decision NASA has declared that it's time to go have a party on the moon because space shuttles are garbage and the whole program will be scrapped by 2010. Since that will mean newly available budgetary monies NASA was forced to decide whether they wanted to build an internationally cooperative solar-powered moon base or buy an assload of Post-It notes. They apparently went with the former.
This decision comes on the heels of Stephan Hawking's automated assertion that the human race needs to start building condos on other planets for fear of total planetary annihilation.
As of right now there is no definitive plan as to what the base will look like but they do have a location chosen (near the Shackleton Crater on the south pole of the moon) as well as a plan, which in typical NASA style involves jettisoning as much shit into space as possible and bringing the astronauts home in a thimble with a parachute strapped to it. This particular thimble is going to be built by Lockheed Martin.

Now our only concern should be the potential for moon monsters!


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