

So I was doing my civic duty as an Atlantan and perusing cnn.com (anything for you Ted) when I came across 2 bits of celebrity news that tickled me pink. First, Faith Hill is a horrible crotch of a human being. Her reaction to losing at the CMAs is sheer perfection. My favorite part is just before she realizes that someone else's name was read...when she is still living in her perfect little bubble of presumption. And if it's any consolation to her, I'd totally give her an award for best recent sore-loser-reaction. Kanye West proved merely to be a half-cocked, egomaniacal twit.

Second, celebrated author Britney Spears and pseudo-musician Kevin Federline are divorcing over irreconcilable differences (mainly he's a douche). First Whitney, and now Britney...it's like -itney women everywhere are undergoing a state of connubial expectoration. The best part about that is he's filing for sole custody of the kids, no doubt for child support money. So to anyone that thinks he's just a brain-dead monkey in expensive clothes...I would say that you forgot the word "scheming".

And so, to the world of celebrity...I salute you.


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