
i love the internet machine

Sometimes I just love the age in which we live. A time when anyone anywhere can get thier message heard. I have come to realize what is potentially the most amazing website of all times. I came across my man Papa Doc (not to be confused with Francois "Papa Doc" Duvalier, the Hatian dicatator) in the back of a newsweekly under the heading VOODOO DOCTOR. Needless to say, after reading the entire website I was in a state of utter disbelief.

In 1997 Papa Doc becomes the first to earn a PhD and Msc.d in spiritual work You may be saying big deal. What can this do for me? My answer is lots. First I want to ask you to imagine your typical image of a spiritual worker or reader. Please use all the stereotypes that come to mind. You may think of a person who is Hispanic or one who we may call a gypsy. This person may live in a trailer or a mobile home. Their waiting room may be their living room. You see their kids playing. The dog wandering through the house depending on the time of day the husband may be home.
That was an excerpt from his Breakthroughs section. If you are even half as enthralled with this as I am...go and read it all. And please, DO NOT FORGET to check out out his catalog. He has many products that allow you to dominate, gain power, and/or seduce.


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