
here grandma, memorize this...

sometimes i just find things that make me want to eat my own face. for example there is a webpage that sends telegrams to dead people. yes, that's right, i'll say it again so you don't have to re-read it; there is a webpage that sends telegrams to dead people. here is an excerpt from their webpage...

"For a donation of $5.00 per word (5 word minimum), we can have telegrams
delivered to people who have passed away. This is done with the help of
terminally Ill volunteers who memorize the telegrams before passing away, and
then deliver the telegrams after they have passed away. We call this an "afterlife
now supposedly they don't keep your money, they donate it away to charity, or to help pay for the medical bills of the terminally ill person. none the less...doesn't anyone seem to realize how friggin stupid this whole operation is? i'm also a huge fan of the links to drugs on the intro page. way to be tiger, way to be.

then i found this little tidbit of information at newscientist.com today. half of all human languages face extinction in the upcoming century, a saddening fact if you ask me. but i suppose it must be done in order to achieve global unity (refer to the "i have a dream..." posting on 1/29/04).


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