
exoskeletons & nanopants

so i was reading about performance augmentation today. it used to be exoskeletons were all the rage, but now everyone is all about nanopants. well not necessarily nanopants per se, but nanotechnology; e.g. there is a big push for military clothing/accoutrements to use nanotechnology to shift patterns for better camouflage (so in essence nanopants). but don't you count exoskeltons out. darpa, the defense advanced research projects agency, is still doing all sorts of research on exoskeletons for human performance augmentation (ehpa), not to mention research in areas you didn't know existed. in fact many years ago the government had something called darpanet created, which eventually became the internet. so if you have some time to kill at a computer, or are just interested in seeing how government r&d money is being spent, go check out the different avenues of exploration; it's pretty badass.


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