
Money Talks, Orphans Stutter

So among other things, I've been reading a lot recently about advertising to children - in terms of both the ethical issues as well as the approaches taken. While staring into the dubious abyss that is Kidscreen Magazine I came across this wacky little cartoon from June of '07:Awesome.

Also feel free to peruse one of the reasons that universities have Institutional Review Boards - Wendell Johnson's 1939 stuttering research, affectionately dubbed the Monster Study. A study that sparked a court battle that was just recently settled.


1 comment:

Dezz said...

I agree with the detractors that, in a grandfather clause sort of way, the standards WERE different back then, and the experiment's conductors should not be held accountable simply because the way of doing things has changed. On the other hand, scarring orphans for life, while funny, is not a socially acceptable thing to do, no matter the time period. But what ever happened to the "just suck it upa nd deal with it" mentality? After 50 years, why bother with a lawsuit?