
G-funk: Where Rhythm is Life and Life is Rhythm

I was out and about in a local purveyor of media media, as in entertainment in more than one medium, where I began to wander through the CD section. I chanced upon Art Garfunkel's latest attempt at avoiding a 9 to 5. Now whether or not the album is even any good matters not to me, although I will say this; while Artie-baby may have the chops to carry a tune, I equate his solo vocalizings to a lone man riding a tandem bicycle- it can be done, but why?

No, my major concern was more cover-centric, primarily in the fact that as a hexagenarian he's still got the same doof-wad haircut, or lack thereof, as he did forty years ago. Far be it from me to tell a grown man to get a haircut, but when you're shooting for this rat-packish urbane look...the waning Gar'fro has to go.

A. Garf's own website is even more depressing, a veritable ego buttress; a stanchion to try to combat decades of overshadowing by a man much shorter in stature then he. Plus the fact that the site is genuinely corny. At one point it cites the A-bomb's opinings, "In this nervous world I want to soothe." And then displays a labyrinthian wisdom when our boy placates the masses and answers the burning question everyone wants to know, but is too afraid to ask...

Do you ever play Sudoku and do you find it difficult or easy?
(Submitted by Marcia from Ireland)

  • Don't play.
Oh snap! You read it here first, Artie G and the Sudoku go together like guerrillas and gorillas...they're homophonous! Wait, what?!?


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