
Resolution: Elucidation Dispensation

Holy crap it's been a while since I've gotten to pollute the internet machine with more nonsense. My choice in careers has led me to live a life of extreme busitude (that's like being really busy, but with a dash of sass) as of late. Anyway, the end result is me not getting to play on the internet for quite some time. Sadness. And with the recent holiday onslaught I've logged a heapin' helpin' of mid-air man hours. But never fear, faithful readers (all none of you) there is a glimmer of hope on the horizon! It would appear that Lady Luck, the fickle bitch-goddess taskmaster of life, has shifted her attitude for the latitude of my platitude. And just as sure as Don Knotts can save orphan gold, I can continue to provide "quality" infotainment to the world at large.


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