
Can the Cavalcade of Cockamamie Conduct Continue?

Am I the only one who seems to think that it’s totally weird that Michael Vick used a little Aquafina "diversion safe" to transport some pot-scented fish food? I mean, don’t get me wrong, if the Miami-Dade police say he’s totally legal then who am I to argue. My only hope is that the NFL, and more importantly the Falcons decide to take some sort of serious recourse. Last time little Ronnie Mexico decided it was time for some off-field action he thought it prudent to brandish his dirty birds to the Georgia Domers and was hit with a total fine of $20,000 - 10 to the league and a mandated 10 to charity. Atlanta Hawks forward Josh Smith just got hit with a $25,000 fine for the same thing this past Saturday; a slightly larger fine on a guy with a substantially smaller salary. In fact this year Smith stands to make just under $1.5 million making the fine about a sixth of his salaried earnings. Vick stands to pull in a comparable amount ($1.4 million base salary) however he’s also earning an additional $7 million in bonuses this year. Suddenly it’s not such a big fine. Lesson learned? Apparently not. So now it’s time to see if fresh face Bobby P. can offer a little redirection to Atlanta’s favorite coach killer.


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