
let freedom ring

craziness abounds...

first, sbc announced it was purchasing at&t. big deal? let's just say that this deal will not only reshape much of the telecommunications landscape, but involves a possible fcc blockage due to anti-trust legislation. the merger itself managed to get its own website. right now analysts are still debating over the intellect of the purchase of the sinking phone company, however both seem to agree that jobs will be lost.

speaking of phones, how about this...louisiana finally got phone service. that's right, people in the small town of mink, louisiana finally got phone service, and it only took until 2005! it's the dawn of a new era.

and let's not forget...groundhog's day! (i swear all i did was image search the term on google) good ol' punxsutawney phil made his predictions today, although they seemed a bit strange. i would, however, like to things go back to the way they were...badger day.


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