
no longer crappy

so i've been totally crappy when it comes to posting. i'm looking to change that. so let's kick this sucker back into gear.

newest bits of information, leaked to me by a little puppy...

nail face: last year in south dakota, a guy got shot in the head from his friends nailgun. ouch. one year and four days later another guy got shot in the head...but this guy was shot in the face...by his own gun. i'm not really going to say much more about this other than: 6 days! damn! also notice where this freaky little event occured...littleton, co. i wonder if property is really cheap there yet?

love bomb: there's this website called "the sunshine project," and they investigate united states involvement in chemical and biological weapons. thanks to the freedom of information act and a military mix-up they recently obtained documents about a program proposed to the military 2 years after the united states agreed to no longer participate in similar programs. the government, of course, denied this. but the really awesome part is the actual proposed weaponry:

-a bomb designed to make enemy soldiers temporarily gay through the introduction of mass quantities of aphrodesiacs.
-a bomb designed to make enemy soldier stink like halitosis or wicked bad gas.
-a bomb designed to provoke animals (like bees or rats) to attack the soldiers.

can you imagine a bomb goes off and suddenly you are swarmed by bees. it would totally suck, but it totally rules.

besides, i've been proposing bee based weapons technology for years...


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