
Cretaceous Creature Capers

The hills are alive with the sound of ancient carnal preponderant ponderings. It would seem that there is a certain amount of dino-love in the Saharan air with the discoveries of two new meat chompers - Old Hidden Face and the Fierce-eyed Dawn Shark (see supposed saurian superficies). Couple that with the discovery of Beelzebufo, the devil frog that ate baby dinosaurs, and this has been a good month for Paleontologists. Let's toss a few of these rascals into Dinotopia and see how things turn out...

And for those of you who feel a yearnin' for some terrible thunder companionship without the hassle of Velociraptors taking control of your private Costa Rican island resort, meet D-Rex. He's cute, cuddly and not the Dinosaucers. Huzzah!


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