
Cretaceous Creature Capers

The hills are alive with the sound of ancient carnal preponderant ponderings. It would seem that there is a certain amount of dino-love in the Saharan air with the discoveries of two new meat chompers - Old Hidden Face and the Fierce-eyed Dawn Shark (see supposed saurian superficies). Couple that with the discovery of Beelzebufo, the devil frog that ate baby dinosaurs, and this has been a good month for Paleontologists. Let's toss a few of these rascals into Dinotopia and see how things turn out...

And for those of you who feel a yearnin' for some terrible thunder companionship without the hassle of Velociraptors taking control of your private Costa Rican island resort, meet D-Rex. He's cute, cuddly and not the Dinosaucers. Huzzah!



Coupons d'Etat

So last summer, as you may recall, the FCC made a decision to switch television to an all digital broadcast format and sell off the current TV broadcast frequencies - read about it here. The end result is people who watch TV without a digital signal - i.e. no cable box/satellite - will have to purchase a digital converter.

Awesome, now you've got to drop $60 for crystal clarity on your 13 inch black and white. Well fear not America, the government is here to save you! There are coupons you can apply for to save a cool pair of Andy Jacksons (that's 40 bucks for all you L7s out there). Now before any of you coupon thirsty nutjobs start making plans to fill your dirty pockets with this modern day gub'ment cheese, you should know this - there are only a limited number, so save some for the rest of us. What's that you say? You want to scalp these babies on ebay? We'll it turns out Uncle Sam figured you and your doofus cousin Duane would cook up some hair-brained scheme like this, which is why you can only get 2 Q-pons per application. So, my little spendthrift bunnies of broadcast, go forth and economize.
