
Here I am. Rock You Like a Hurricane.

Am I lame, or just busy? Or just busy being lame? Any way you slice it I haven't put much up in a bit, though I've certainly thought to myself, "Ooh, I should write something about this," on more than one occasion, which in itself makes me a bit lame. Anyway, in all it's simple self explanatory glory: 5 Dangerous Things You Should Let Your Kid Do (though there are actually more than 5 for all you county-countertons out there).

I personally engaged in almost all of them growing up - the vehicles I conducted were smaller than a car (but bigger than a bread box!), and the whole digital media thing wasn't really an issue...but I suppose I bootlegged cassette tapes. Yeah, that's right...I'm the inspiration for all of Jim Croce's songs about troublemakers (Jim, Leroy Brown et al.).

And for those of y'all who wear fanny packs...nerd.


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