
Icing on an Already Tasty Cake

There are times in life when things get good and then on closer inspection they end up out of this world good. For example, the CBA is expanding into Atlanta and the new team was slated to be called the Atlanta Krunk. That's pretty effin' crackerjack if you ask me. But wait, it turns out the team decided to pay homage to a fallen athletics program by renaming the team the Atlanta Krunk Wolverines. I'm sorry what...did you just say the Krunk Wolverines? Yes disembodied italicized voice, yes I did.
Now if ever there were a sports team name to be afraid of it would be a Krunk Wolverine. A wolverine is a pretty ruinous animal when it's just idling at 400 cph (casualties per hour). When the damn thing gets pissed off you've got yourself a 3-foot WMD...but krunk (I'm assuming this is an alternate spelling for 'crunk')? Can anyone really fathom the unbridled wrecking power that would radiate from such a creature? I think not. The devil himself dare not dream of such a beast for fear it might come into existence! Beware Albany Patroons! Krunk Wolverines are known for their insouciance towards the legalities of purlieus in New Netherland!
Needless to say, I'm eagerly awaiting the unveiling of team merchandise. In the meantime I've been content to revel in the new look of the Milwaukee Admirals and the A-1 super status of my beloved Sabres.


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