
tv season

'tis the season for new tv shows. as a result the little tivo machine has been the busiest of rascals. here are two of the mindboggling shows i have gotten a chance to "peep" (notice the hipness that i have displayed by including that little colloquialism):

medical investigation: nbc - holy crap this show is stupid. 5 superhero doctors fly around the world in their cargo jet, most likely funded by misappropriated healthcare funds, and solve various medical mysteries...but not before killing several children first. they all have fun superhero powers too, like the power of having children, or the ability to not know anything about medicine.

lost: abc - jj! that crazy rascal who brought you alias now provides a show aobut plane crash survivors living on a tropical island with polar bears and monsters. it definately feels like another jj rockout, and while much of the show serves to baffle me i keep watching.

i do periodically watch descent television, but this stuff leaves a bit of a residual "brain stain," so it's easier to recall. i suppose i'll write about that another time.


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