
at least the chin scrape wasn't too conspicuous

three cheers for the commander in chief. he once again proved he has no idea what he's doing. but at least his makeup was good.

there were several issues that got me all riled up yesterday as i tuned into npr. but don't worry, there's no need to discuss them; it's easier just to link up some articles that other people have already written. besides, i'm sure he pissed most people off in the same ways.

now don't get me wrong, i've got no problem with the ol' star and stripes...my beef lies with the man in the uncle sam outfit.

anyway, read on my handsome friends, read on...
***it should be noted that the washington post requires a membership to view their articles. if you don't have a subscription just click here and follow the first link to success***

the washington post.com has a nice little overview of what went down yesterday in carlisle, pennsyltucky.
newscientist.com has a tidbit regarding the actions of those few rogue soldiers who took it upon themselves to abuse prisoners...without any military knowledge.
according to newsmax.com -america's news page-(i.e. a horribly slanted republican news site) the economy and employment situation are on the rebound but theage.com.au ran a piece about the strength of our dollar.
i also found some stuff on msn's slate and at the home of the "life engine".

by the by, if you have a little time to kill you can go write a speech or two fer dubya.


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