
japan 1, my brain 0

here's the scenario; little red riding hood is a japanese girl walking in the woods. she happens upon several forest creatures, a bear, a rabbit, a wolf, and a deer. upon encountering red and hearing the catchy little ditty she's singing they decide it's time to dance. so all five begin to do a modified version of "the hand jive"...oh yeah, did i mention that they are doing this dance while holding their enormous fur covered breasts (it should be noted that red still has all her clothing on so i cannot say for certain if her boobs are hairy or not, but she is still grasping them firmly). and just when you thought you were baffled a large racoon appears and entrances us with a dance solo. the racoon does not have hairy breasts. the racoon is a boy. of this i am certain. the dancing continues. suddenly they are all in front of a building. happiness abounds.

with character intro
without character intro

here's the list of the whole ad campaign. start at the top. you'll get to see all your favorite characters in brand new situations, as well as meeting a cheetah and a pig. life is grand.



ted debiase advocates sexual integrity

i knew he became an evangelist and all, but i didn't know life was this sweet at the debiase camp! i love to imagine him "saving" a person and them slapping the million dollar dream on them, dropping them on the floor and stuffing a few c-notes in their mouth. as the song says, "everyone's got their price"...although it also says "money, money, money, money, moneeeeeeeeeeey."

my only stipulation is you have to play through the entire intro at least once.



it's good to have goals

cleaning up today, i was going through some old papers when i happened upon a note written in my own handwriting;obviously a note-to-self for later. it read:

"take over the world w/ giant beehive"

i must have been feeling ambitious that day.



if loving you is wrong, i don't wanna be right.

i love the internet. it's a place where things don't have to make sense, they just have to be. put together a global thought repository and this is what you end up with...
google image search: chomp. we live in a glorious era.




sometimes i like conspiracy theory. the idea of the moon landing being faked sparks my curiosity. don't get me wrong, i'd like to think we made it there just like everyone else...but it's fun to raise questions. i also buy into the idea of the chapstick conspiracy (see also this guy's typey-typey). i've seen that shit ruin lives. i also saw a crazy french webpage about the plane crashing into the pentagon...then i peed my pants. or did i? there are several also other sites, and an article about how the french guy who set up the webpage, his name is thierry meyssan, put out a book about the crash. love it up.
faked photos
in-depth discussion
deflecting the conspiracy



ninjas and getting kicked in the junk for "fun"

there is really not much to say about this page, other than the fact that it is straight up buck wildin'. i recently watched a show called martial arts:way of the warrior on fit tv (one of the discovery channel's satellite stations) and there were two styles that impressed me, ninpo was one. supposedly it's the real avenue of education for those who want to be true ninjas, including learning how to make powders to blind people, and kill everyone by any means necessary.
the other style that rocked my world was combat ki, where you essentially just learn to get the crap knocked out of you without blinking. seriously, people were just kicking each other in the throat for fun, well, for training really, but none the less. anyway, here's a link to a bunch of canadian ninjas combat ki'ing each other in the neck and throat.
