
i have a dream...

on martin luther king jr day i had a realization. with this new push for space exploration we're going to have to consider the possibility of life on other planets. as such we're going to have to start thinking on a global scale, at least in terms of peoples. the idea is that we aren't any particular race, other than human; strength in numbers maybe, or maybe just unity, who knows...the reason is moot.

anyway, in order to promote this i think the only way we can push for a global identity is by coming to terms with atrocities, persecution and the like. now, knowing humanity, the only way i can think to accomplish this is to make people feel like they're getting even, and paying out monetary reperations is pretty much out of the question. so here's the only feasible alternative i could come up with...

step 1) we tally up all of the injustices against people worldwide, but i don't mean on a personal scale. i mean on a secular scale; races, creeds, religions, etc. all get to file a grievance.

step 2) we assign each filing a random number via a supercomputer (all good plans involve supercomputers, you'd be wise to take note of that)

step 3) a lottery takes place, giving us a master list of the order in which these alternative reperations take place.

step 4) wait for aliens. once we find them, then they are persecuted. number one on the reperations lottery gets to go first, if for some reason they cannot complete their intended persecution within a certain time frame they forfit their turn and then number 2 gets a shot.

we keep doing this until we make everyone happy, or our planet is destroyed. none the less, the end result unifies us as a planet.


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