
There Are no Strings on me!

What could be a monumental decision in the realm of modern communications will, barring any sort of bizarre foot-dragging, be made by the end of today. To preface, the 700 MHz broadcast frequency (yes, the same frequency that our modern little TV sets use) will soon be going up for auction as broadcasters make the push into HD. Google has promised to make a $4.6 billion bid as long as the FCC makes a few to mandate a few rules in this game (this excerpt and a nice little summary can be found at The Machinist):

1) Firms that win 700 MHz space must let customers download and use any software on the network; 2) they must let customers use any device on the network; 3) they've got to lease wireless space to third-party wireless providers at commercial rates; 4) and they've got to allow their wireless networks to interconnect with other Internet service providers.

The end result of Google (and a few other tech companies/public interest groups) getting their way would be more wireless competition due to increased open-access. Let's just hope FCC Chairman Kevie-bear Martin doesn't fall sway to the Mephistophelian whispers of the The Greenback Gang.


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