

So I was on the internet machine reading about Fidel Castro's advice for the Democratic party when what do I happen to see as a story headline? Man loses top of his head in brain operation. I'm sorry, what? It turns out that the Maytag repair man hasn't been to the Rhineland since the Treaty of Westphalia (I realize the historical inaccuracy there, but you try coming up with something about Koblenz!). Oh well, at least Man is getting a more comfortable plastic skull.

Other bits of note - The Maldive Shark, by Herman Melville: Where else will you encounter the phrase his charnel of maw? Effing delish!

And speaking of finding things delicious, don't forget to find out how fat your state/kids are!



Underwhelmed by Overlappings

So despite all the recent activity swirling around Kookie Ookie, I'm more focused on the virtual ven diagram of news surrounding China and the FDA. So China just got caught with their lead painted squarepants around their ankles. The FDA just approved a pretty strong antipsychotic for kids 'n teens. And just where do they meet? Counterfeit toothpaste.

Can you say Nord-tastic?



A Typical Saturday

People often ask me why I am the way I am. I really have no definitive answer for them, but I thought perhaps if you took a look at how I've spent the "online" portion of my Saturday.
Reading about traumatic brain injury(T.B.I.), including the following de-luscious excerpts:

-First, defining T.B.I.

Traumatic brain injury is an insult to the brain...

-In reference to Coup-Contrecoup Injury,
This occurs when the force impacting the head is not only great enough to cause a contusion at the site of impact, but also is able to move the brain and cause it to slam into the opposite side of the skull, which causes the additional contusion.

I also read up on B.E.A.R.- the Battlefield Extraction-Assist Robot. Took a peek at Sims Zealot - The Fundamentalist Expansion Pack.

And then after coming across a RollingStone.com mentioning of the current state of RATM, I decided to access some politically dissident readings online (thanks in part to the wayback machine!)

V.I. Lennin - The State and Revolution

Noam Chomsky - What Uncle Sam Really Wants
Ernesto "Che" Guevara - Guerrilla Warfare
Abbie Hoffman - Steal This Book

Recently I obtained the tools with which to brew my own sudsy delights, but am currently in a state where a career shift has resulted in a bevy of new at-work learning/preparation to be completed. This being the case, since I can't set aside the time to read up on Water Chemistry Adjustment for Extract Brewing or Determining Bicarbonate Additions to Raise the Mash pH, I thought I'd just stumble around and nibble on beery tidbits.

So there you have it.
