
keep your friends close...

People around here were really upset that John Mark Karr was back at home. So they freaked out. Now he's gone and nobody knows where he is. Hey dumptrucks, if you truly perceive this guy as a threat, I dare you to tell me you weren't safer before.



still around?

So a long time ago I was like "hey, blogging, I want in on that action!". Unfortunately I got lame, moved, and didn't have internet for like a year. Then I decided to move to Georgia, the only logical solution to my internet problem. Now I'm in the atl, and I've managed to procure usage of the internet from various locales thanks to my woman's laptop. Time to start filling the duby-dubya-dubya with trash again! It also turns out that I'm a trendsetter. I'm down here for like a month and suddenly Salman Rushdie and John Mark Karr both declare that they have to start poking their noses around.
